Biosynthesis paper #2

In collaboration with Prof. Yang Qu (UNB), we identify and characterize three new cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes that facilitate regio- and stereospecific oxidation of four monoterpene alkaloid (MIA) skeletons: iboga, aspidosperma, pseudoaspidosperma, and quebrachamine. From […]


Biosynthesis paper #1

We unveil and characterize a new N-methyltransferase (NMT) enzyme from the plant T. elegans: perivine Nβ-methyltransferase (TePeNMT). Enzyme kinetic experiments and enzyme homology modeling studies reveal the significant differences in enzyme active sites between TePeNMT […]


Bent bonds from geminals!

For many years we have sought computational support for the bent bond/antiperiplanar hypothesis (BBAH). The concept of geminals1 (two-electron orbitals) in quantum chemistry addresses many of the inherent issues stemming from the one-electron formalism that […]


BBAH Paper #18

A new mechanism for the thermal and photochemical Diels-Alder cycloaddition based on the bent bond/antiperiplanar hypothesis orbital model  The thermal and photochemical stereochemical reactivity of norbornene derivatives (Diels-Alder, retro- Diels-Alder, Cope rearrangement) can be rationalized […]


BBAH Paper #17

Stereochemistry of Eʹ and Eʹʹ decarboxylative-dehydration reactions and the bent bond / antiperiplanar hypothesis orbital model The known concerted decarboxylative-dehydration reaction of unsaturated hydroxy-carboxylic acids is analyzed through the Bent Bond/Antiperiplanar Hypothesis (BBAH), which considers […]